24 September 2011

Pafos Town Hall

A Public space such as the town hall is the community’s representation. Pafos is a small town with a great past and up growing future. Its inhabitants need to concise of its historic value and through this memory restore the notion of its present dynamics and possibilities.
The building is the negative of an ark. Its insight is formed of solid structures wrapped up from a semi penetrated screen. The lobby is the crucial space of facing the past. Above it is suspended a symbolic memory space – the town’s library – sealed in a see through cube. The internal solid forms are obvious from the external thus making evident an inner and consistent depth of matter. This idea rather refers to the aesthetic notion of space as an analogue of remembering. Chambers of memory are difficult to reach, though an involuntary memory, that of the easy view penetration through a screen, can find fragments of past in the present.