“...there are writers who find comfort and inspiration to their activity in noisy cafes, smoky wine bars, crowded trains, busy airport lounges, public spaces and there are writers who prefer the isolation of a private room, the obscure conditions of a monastic cell or the seclusion of a small cabin, cut off from the reality of the world….”
The concept is based on the relation between private and public space in the metropolitan center. The notion of retreat does not necessarily apply to isolation from the world. Into the complex system of cityscape, distinctive fragments of space or substance are intensified. The inhabitant – writer – is found in a constant pursuit of identity whilst at the same time detached from and attached to it. His creative power is deduced from the environment he is assigned to.
In real time and space, a site in the center of Athens is located t the crossroad of Athinas and Ermou Street, into the hard of the city whereas multiple images and events take place.
The aim of design is the re-discussion of antithesis of housing towards an urban palimpsest through its architectural charge as private space. The house of the writer as a retreat into a specific time – space – becomes a receptacle of elaboration and record thus being an observation vehicle. It is the space of possibility for emerging to or submerging from the world.